Fiction Review by The Gravedigger
This graphic novel from Wildstorm Comics, written by Kevin J. Anderson, tells where the Enterprise was while the Dominion War was happening off on a diplomatic mission to Gorn to try to bring them in as allies against the Founders. The Gorn have always been among my favorite Star Trek aliens and it's interesting to see what their home world looks like.Problems soon arise when Captain Picard, Dr. Crusher and Deanna Troy beam down to the planet and quickly discover that the government they were to meet has been slain-and that the warrior faction of the Gorn have taken over. They reason that with the Federation weakened by the Dominion War, they can now reclaim some of their former territory, including Cestus III, which was first seen in the original Star Trek episode, ARENA. Riker is also on hand, dealing with the Klingons, who become integral in helping out.The story is solid and the artwork by Igor Kordey depicts the action and the lizards well.
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