John Carter: The End (2017)
Fiction Review by The Gravedigger
It's four hundred years in the future. John Carter and Dejah Thoris had left Mars long ago, after the death of their son, for one of the moons of Jupiter. In their absence the predicament on the Red Planet has grown worse. There's now a tyrant who has taken over the planet, killing off the green Tharks, and this despot has a close tie to the absent Warlord of Mars and his despondent Queen. They end up returning to Mars to fix things and are in for a surprise-and an encounter with an old enemy who is up to his older tricks.
I found this an interesting and unexpected sequel to the Edgar Rice Burroughs series. There's not only an update with some of the technology but a return of the "oldest Thark", Tars Tarkas, who is transforming into something else entirely. It's all very weird. The book has a depressing tone but it's worth checking out. It is cool the writers tried taking these characters in a very different direction. Recommended.
Written By Brian Wood And Alex Cox
Art By Hayden Sherman
Rating: nan out of 10.0 - votes cast total