This takes place right after Kirk and the Enterprise leave Khan and his genetically modified people on the planet. At first they are hopeful of taming this new wilderness and building a civilization of their own. It's a paradise for them. Then, a nearby planet explodes, which quickly begins to change their planet for the worse. Everything begins to die. All through this Khan believes that Kirk and the Federation will save them, that they'll be back to check up on their progress. Only this never happens. Tamas, another member of his group, gets on him for this and in fact plans a rebellion. In issue #3, some begin to succumb to a weird illness which makes them insane--and they realize it's from a form of bug/eel that is burrowing into their brains. These creatures were subterranean and are going to the surface in search of food--them! Desperate for change and to thwart Khan's rule, Tamas kidnaps his wife Marla McIvers and implants one of the eels into her brain. Now, this means war to Khan...
This story differs a bit than the events chronicled in the Greg Cox books THE EUGENICS WARS which were written a few years ago but it still fits in with STAR TREK continuity. In fact, I like this story of Khan much better. I'm looking forward to the next three issues of this six issue series. Highly recommended.