This four-issue comic miniseries takes place years before the movie, in 1982, and supplies the back story of the two main characters, the vampire-child Abby and her guardian. They live in an old farmhouse in Wellsville, Indiana, and pretty much keep to themselves, though they are viewed a little weird by the locals. Their next door neighbors are an alcoholic man and his young son-- and the boy, and Abby become friends, which eventually has fatal consequences for a few people. There's also a side story about a realty agent who flips out and starts killing people who will not sell their homes. There's a big project to build on the farmland and drain the local lake. Only this lake is where all the bodies of Abby's victims have been stashed away.
This story has the same tone as the movie and is consistent with the characters, even supplying a reason why Abby's "father" is so against her befriending the boy in the movie. He has a good reason. Highly recommended.