Naked Came the Sasquatch (1993)
Fiction Review by The Gravedigger
Written by John Boston. This is one of the most amusing novels I've read in a long time, about a small town newspaper publisher who hires a new out of town girl--and their sightings of bigfoot. The town members are all out of TWIN PEAKS or NORTHERN EXPOSURE--and the Sasquatch isn't at all what you expect him to be. He's a middle aged, slightly overweight primate who likes to watch movies at the local drive-in (from atop a nearby hill). When horrible murders start everyone blames the Sasquatch...but it's something else that's hairy, something that only comes out when there's a full moon. Yes, you guessed it-- a werewolf. First time I ever read about a werewolf and a sasquatch fighting! If you like apes and werewolves then this is the book for you. A good sense of humor will also help.
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