Stuff Of Legend Book 1: The Dark, The (2009)
Fiction Review by The Gravedigger
It's 1944 in Park Slope, Brooklyn. The Boogeyman comes out of the closet and kidnaps a young boy. His dog, Scout, and his toys decide to try to rescue him. This is the purpose of the toys--to protect children from the Boogeyman. When they enter the closet and go to this other land they look more real. Max, the stuffed Teddy Bear is as big and ferocious as a grizzly. So do all the others, from an indian princess to a soldier to a duck and a pig. But on their way of finding the boy they must battle the Boogeyman's armies and it's quite bloody. When they come to the Town of Hopscotch, which seems peaceful at first, they learn it's really a trap. If you don't obey all the rules there are dire repercussions.
I like this book. It's a much darker version of TOY STORY. It's definitely for adults.
story by Mike Raicht & Brian Smith
Illustrated by Charles Paul Wilson III
Rating: nan out of 10.0 - votes cast total