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Tane' McClure
Horror Interview by The Gravedigger

For over two decades actress Tane' McClure, daughter of the late great Doug McClure, has been in more than forty movies and television shows, not to mention that she had a top forty single, "Holdin On" in the early 80's as well as several songs on the TERMINATOR soundtrack. Most recently she can be seen as the vampire Lilith in the movie ReVAMPED. She also runs her own production company.

Q: So, lately you've been editing & doing commercials. Is that what your company, Trampas Productions, primarily does?

We're still trying to get more films off the ground and getting financing. In the meantime we produce commercials and I edit for a company called All Media Services. And I'm an actress, I'm always an actress, but I started editing because...well, it's good to have control.

Q: Also producing, like with TRANCE.


Q: Is that what got you interested in producing, having been in so many movies?

My father (Doug McClure) was an actor and for some reason my whole life when I was growing up with him I was really interested in hanging out with the people behind the scenes. I liked the directors, I liked, when my dad was doing a Western, hanging out with the wranglers. I liked to see how things were done. And I had no vision of producing at the time but because I was watching and listening the whole time, and I was interested, sooner or later I realized I knew how to do things, sometimes better, than the producers of the low budget films I was working on. And so I thought I should start doing this. But it's not as easy as we all think. It's tough.

Q: How did you get involved with Jeff Rector's ReVAMPED?

He filled me in about FATAL KISS and how he used that as a starting off point and even used footage from that movie for the first eight minutes of ReVAMPED. And that that "Five Years Later..." is really five years later, when the movie was shot.

That was pretty smart, don't you think? Jeff is a friend of mine. I've been around a long time as an actress and we just are friends and he wanted me to come in for the part. And my daughter has a part in it, too. She plays "Half Pint". Anyways, I like supporting my friends on independent features and you know, it was fun. He's a very genius type of guy. He gets things off the ground, has a lot of friends who want to work with him.

Q: And he did everything on that movie, produced, directed, acted...

I know.

Q: Was that the first time your were a vampire in a movie?

No, I've been vampires in other movies. In NIGHT SHADE a few others.

Q: Going way back, with CRAWLSPACE. I haven't seen it in a while, so I can't remember if you have any scenes opposite Klaus Kinski...

Technically we don't have any scenes together on camera but I was around him constantly.

Q: Do you have any Klaus Kinski stories? A while ago I talked with Bill Malone, who directed him way back in CREATURE and he had all these stories...

Well, there's a lot of Klaus Kinski stories and I have one. He had a major crush on me and it was rather nerve-wracking. On the first day of shooting I was in one dressing room, at the end of the hall at the Dino DeLaurentis Studios where where we shot it, in Italy, and day by day he had me move closer and closer to him until I was practically next door to him and he was definitely a skirt chaser for sure. He was a trip. Yeah. At one point the producers and director of the movie begged me to stay on set while he was working because it was the only time he behaved. Otherwise, he was very difficult to work with. But when I was onset he would try to impress me and be cordial, I guess. I definitely had to run away from him because he's definitely not my type. So, yeah.

Q: With the genre films, what are some of your favorite ones you've been in.

I did one called A WOMAN SCORNED 2 with Andrew Stevens. I really liked the character. I played the same role Shannon Tweed played in the first one. My character is kind of psychotic and she goes under hypnosis. Other than that....I would love to say LEGALLY BLONDE-- I played Reese Witherspoon's mom--but I had too small of a part in it.

Q: When you get a role do you look for certain things, that are challenging? Different?

Well, in the past, when I was working alot I was, I don't know, I made a foolish mistake and did a bunch of crappy movies. I had a manager that steered me wrong. I've learned the hard way. For example, I did this movie called LAPDANCING and when you read the script it read kind of cool. It was similar to Demi Moore's STRIPTEASE and around the time that movie came out. So when you read it, you thought this could be really intriguing. I played this tough, hardened stripper who mentors this young girl, there's some danger, but as it turns out the girl they cast, her acting wasn't strong enough and what ends up happening is...Okay, here's my theory on movies. A "B Movie" becomes a "D Movie" if the acting is really poor. It looked like crappy soft-porn or something. But a "B Movie" with good acting, even if nudity or whatever, becomes something of value. And I learned that the hard way.

Then I started asking the producers and directors who've they are casting around me, which is kind of unusual and they probably thought "Who do you think you are?" and it's just that I need to know who you cast around me because if I don't like the cast I probably shouldn't do the movie. And I think I didn't learn that soon enough to be honest with you.

Nowadays, because I have a daughter--she's going to be ten this Summer, I have to be really careful. I'll do things that are sexy but I have to watch it compared to when I was younger. You have to watch the storyline and script a little harder, which is interesting, going back to the whole "B Movie" thing. Ironically, I've done bigger budget movies where there are nude scenes and you're actually naked longer in a big budget movie than a low budget movie because they shoot so much longer. And again, it goes back to the same thing. If the quality is there and stories are there you can get away with so much. Look at Tom Cruise and Nicole Kidman--they did that movie, EYES WIDE SHUT, that was very weird and intriguing. But if that was done by a bunch of B-Actors and poorly it would look like some crappy soft-porn.

Q: I agree. It's the script and the acting.

Even if it's not incredibly well shot, but if I worked with actors who had real, honest emotion there, all of a sudden the film's not too bad and gets some notice. Ironically, on that movie, LAPDANCING, which I wasn't too proud of, they gave me a good review in PEOPLE or US Magazine, I don't remember, they gave a quick little review to STRIPTEASE, SHOWGIRLS and LAPDANCING and even though it was a small picture that I did a good job but the overall movie wasn't very good.

I had a really good time doing ReVAMPED because I like playing people outside of who I really am. I've gotten email from fans on the website and they'll say "you were really scary in that movie, are you really like that?", which is funny to hear...and I guess that says I'm doing my job.

I did a movie MIDNIGHT TEASE 2 and I was this woman who was a killer and there are some scenes in there that were very violent and scary. My training is Method Acting, which makes people crazy anyway...

Q: So do you stay in character the whole time you're on set, when they're not shooting?

I'm not like those other Method Actors who stay in the role the whole time. However, when it's coming up I generally put myself in that place. I create something in my head that creates that sense of angst or whatever it may be, I will create that realism to me, to create a character. That's the one thing I do do. My training was "not acting", that you have to feel it, actually be the character. That's actor smachtor talk.

Q: Different things work for different people.

I try to be honest with my characters. The character in ReVAMPED wasn't as easy as it appears because how do you play a nice vampire? You know, this weird tightrope where I'm dangerous but have a heart. I had to think about it occasionally.

Q: It worked well. I see a lot of movies reviewing for this site and I liked that movie. Well, changing the subject, how about talking briefly about Tane Cain and the TERMINATOR Soundtrack?

I'm a little sad because I had an album out on RCA under the name Tane Cain and then the record execs thought people couldn't pronounce my name so I changed the spelling to Tahnee, and then we did the TERMINATOR soundtrack. For some reason our group did not get the notice at the time and shortly after it almost became a cult hit and it was released on Enigma Records. And it started to get some heat. But I was so disenchanted by the recording industry by that time that I decided I needed to make more money and started working in films more than I did. The only thing that haunts me is that "damn, I should have stuck with it a big longer". I still sing when something comes up, I'm a little bummed out I didn't have better success. When you go on the internet, on YouTube, there's a lot of blurbs about the TERMINATOR soundtrack and about this band that never made it and that was kind of nice to see. There were actually people out there who thought we were pretty good!.

Q: Definitely, I loved that album.

OFFICIAL SITE: www.tanemcclure.com | One Of The 80's Videos

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