Adam's Revenge: Zombie Planet II (2006)
Movie Review by The Gravedigger
This is a sequel to ZOMBIE PLANET, released a few years ago, and it immediately continues that story. We find out who the hero, Kane, really is (though you could guess it in the first movie) and there's a final confrontation between him and the leader of the "Upper Class", a bearded guy by the name of Adam. The zombies seem almost incidental, most of the action/plot-line involving the surviving humans, who live in different social groups. As with the first, I was impressed with how many people worked on this movie and are in it. Just the sheer logistics of organizing such a big project on an independent budget is an amazing feat. The action sequences are also convincing. And Although I found some of the supporting actors lacking in the acting department, I did enjoy the movie, though I couldn't help but think that it would have been better to have just made one long movie rather than two. I'm not sure that this second movie stands alone without seeing the first.
Directed by George Bonilla
For more information go to the website at www.zombieplanetmovie.com
Rating: 8.3 out of 10.0 - 4 votes cast total