This faux documentary is more pretentious than anything else. Two documentary filmmakers decide to make a documentary on the growing zombie population and dispel the myths associated with them. Well, they aren't all myths. There are three types of zombies--the ferals, which attack people, the stupid/brain damaged ones that can do menial labor, and the higher functioning ones who still try to fit in and have a "life". One of the zombies works for an organic food distributor, likes cats but can't have cats because she's allergic. I think the allergies went away when she died. Then there's a guy who works at an all-night grocery store and a red-haired woman who makes string art. She periodically gets her maggots removed from this open wound she has in her abdomen. However, instead of using maggots for the effect they use mealworms, which is always goofy (they eat grain, not meat).
The movie tries to treat the zombies like gays or an ethnic minority, though that doesn't quite work. And I saw that ending coming a mile away. The biggest problem, however, is that everyone seemed like they were "ACTING" and I didn't feel like I was watching a documentary, even a fake one.