August Underground's Penance (2007)
Movie Review by The Spastic Cannibal
"Penance", the third and final entry in the "August Underground" series, details the further destructive exploits of the two remaining killers as they continue documenting it all on camera. This one isn't nearly as gruesome as "Mordum" but it does have a few decent bits of mutilation and torture. The interesting aspects of this movie come from the deterioration of the murderous duo's relationship as they both become more and more unhinged through the course of this particular killing spree. Overall, it was the my least favorite of the trilogy - even considering I never WAS a huge fan to begin with. There were far too many boring scenes that dragged on and many of the actual murders weren't horribly effective or "brutal" in comparison to the previous movies. The only scene that really seemed to stick out was the Christmas family massacre scene... Granted, all of the "August Underground" flicks are enjoyable viewing to an extent - since they are some of the only character driven pseudo-snuff films out there which, in a way, at least keeps them fairly engrossing... Plus the raw brutality in the POV format is a fun, voyeuristic viewing experience on occasion. Still, the first two AU flicks are a lot better.
Rating: 4.5 out of 10.0 - 2 votes cast total