I was pleasantly surprised that this new independent zombie avoided re-hashing what has gone before, standing on its own as a dark, sarcastic undead horror thriller (whew). Yes, there are plenty of zombies but the characters are the interesting ones here. First, there's the ex-assassin priest, Christopher, who is in mental turmoil about his life and the things he has done. Then there's the love-interest female, Mary, who is trying to escape a sleazy past. Both, however, share their hatred of her father, Jeremiah, who had trained Christopher when he was working with the government and practically raised him as a son. Then there's the identity lost Jehovah's witness, the crazy violent guy and his girlfriend who was just bitten by one of the zombies...
The story begins with Christopher being sent a letter, telling him to meet at a house, which happens to be where Mary has holed herself up. Before they know it the neighborhood is over-run with zombies. Fortunately, though, the windows are all shatter proof and they can't get in right away. When they eventually do have to venture outside they discover what's causing the zombie infestation and why - and while it's not totally surprising it's a satisfying enough explaination. There's plenty of gore, the film is well-paced and the dialogue had me chuckling a few times (though there is the predictable one-liner every so often).
Directed by Jeff Brookshire
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