Movie Review by The Mortician
BLIND TARGET is one of JESS FRANCO's latest efforts.This one is more of a political thriller than anything else (!), and I'm sure it will mystify Franco horror fans. The guy sure does crank movies out incredibly fast! When an author(Rachel Sheppard) is persued by government officials for exposing their dirty secrets in her best selling novel, She has to fight for her life,and can't trust anyone. Political intrigue, chases, and double-crosses ensuew. Franco fans will not be disapointed in that this flick contains all the sexual elements, nudity, and violence fans have come to expect from him---although the storyline is a complete departure from his usual approach. Sub Rosa makes this disc worthwhile with their usual extras,including BEHIND THE SCENES, DELETED SCENES & a STILLS GALLERY. Diehard Franco fans will enjoy this one, others might do well to use caution.
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