In this Roger Zemeckis animated movie Jim Carrey is Ebenezer Scrooge, who hates Christmas. Gary Oldman does the voice/likeness of Bob Cratchit, ghost Marley and Tiny Tim. Though it does follow the Charles Dicken's plot points it's "energized" by special effects. Scrooge is chased by demonic horses, gets shrunk down to rat size and flies through the air, all for the benefit of the 3-D theatrical release. And there's also the three ghosts that make him confront his evil ways. It's not a bad movie at all but it is too familiar. I think I've seen every "Scrooge" movie and the Bill Murray version is my favorite. I just never buy the idea that Scrooge is converted to being a nice guy overnight. Basically, I felt like I was watching a rerun I didn't need to rewatch.