In 1959 Catholic school girl Christine marches into her school chapel, pulls out a sawed-off shotgun and starts blowing the nuns away. She then turns to Mother Superior, douses her in gasoline, and flicks her cigarette...cut to 40 years later where a group of college kids want to party in the closed up convent. There are some wanna-be satanists, who capture one the college kids and kill her-immediately making her body avaialable for possession by one of the demons. After this, it's all a matter of the demons biting or scratching someone and then they turn into an ugly pusturing creature as well. The lone survivor is a girl, who runs to Christine's house (after hearing all the urban legends about her) and begs for her help. Christine is tough and you get the sense she does this zombie bashing every few years. Adrienne Barbeau is great in the part. Unfortunately this all seems too familiar, like maybe a sequel to NIGHT OF THE DEMONS or a more preppy version of THE EVIL DEAD. So there are no big suprises, especially the 'little one' at the end of the movie. It made me groan in a bad way...