Movie Review by The Gravedigger
Of the recent slew of giant killer animal movies roaming Blockbuster Video, this is one of the better ones. A group of college kids decide to take a houseboat on a weekend trip and they accidently come across the destroyed nest of a giant egyptian crocodile. The night before two redneck fisherman came across it and destroyed all but one of the eggs and paid the price. When the houseboaters comes across the nest they take the only unharmed egg--and the killer croc follows them, ultimately killing all but three and destroying the boat. The animatronic effects by KNB effects are decent and believable but the computer effects are cartoonish--and the melding of the two is extremely jarring. The animatronic creature effects are realistic while the computer effects are too fast.The performances are believable and actress Caitlin Martin, the female lead, is great. She's someone to keep an eye on. Directed by Tobe Hooper.
Rating: 7.0 out of 10.0 - 2 votes cast total