When I sat down to watch this one, I tried to tell myself that it was not just another werewolf movie. After watching it, I can safely say that it is just another werewolf movie. Christina Ricci and her brother are driving home one night and hit a creature they believe to be a wolf. They are both infected by the creature and begin seeing changes in their behavior. They find that they have indeed been infected by a werewolf and are beginning to change. Nothing new here right? Such is the way with most werewolf flicks. The same basic storyline... some borrowed from others... and then mainly the same outcome. This one did have some good moments. The effects were pretty good with the exception of one of the transformation sequences. The acting was good and the filming was done in a creepy way. There were a few unexpected twists in the plot that helped explain some things and keep the story moving along. Not a great movie but all in all it was not a bad movie.. and I did enjoy watching it. Werewolf movie fans will enjoy... but in the end... it is just another werewolf movie.