Movie Review by The Gravedigger
In this Tobe Hooper directed 'Masters of Horror' installment, Sean Patrick Flanery (DEAD ZONE Tv series) portrays a sheriff in the small town of Cloverdale, Texas, who is visited by 'The Damned Thing' on his birthday.
This age is the same age both his father and grandfather met their grisly deaths - and it has something to do with the oil fields.
In tone, it's similar to the SCREWFLY SOLUTION, in which the father goes crazy and you're not sure if he's going to kill the rest of his family. The scene where his father gets ripped to shreds by an invisible creature is impressive and the best thing about it. Ted Raimi is miscast as a priest.
Based on the short story by Ambrose Bierce
Rating: 4.0 out of 10.0 - 3 votes cast total