I avoided this one for quite some time, but finally broke down and watched it. After doing so, I have mixed feelings on it. A family recently makes a big move to somewhere out in the Spanish sticks. Apparently her father was transferred there to teach... although it is hard to believe that a teacher's salary would be worth such a move. The house has a dark history, one that includes the ritual sacrifice of six children... which was supposed to be seven, but one child got away. Now the house wants to finish the job now that the eclipse will occur and all other conditions are right. Sound convoluted? There is a reason for that. Don't get me wrong, I thought that they did a decent job of making this semi-creepy with the weak storyline that they had to work with. They did a good job of showing just enough to peak your interest in some cases, but the story dragging seemed to make that interest fleeting. I thought the acting was pretty poor, especially from the chick that played Rogue in the X-Men movies. This is one of those ones I think that some people will really like while others will hate it... doubt there will be much middle ground. Given that my feelings do fall in that middle ground that I mentioned does not exist... I will simply say that if you are feeling up to it, give this one a look and decide for yourself.