Tim Ritter's latest movie begins with video clips from the internet site "DareTube", which shows people doing things for dares-- a woman brushing her teeth with shampoo, a guy eating dog food, and one guy kissing another guy's wife, which ends in violence. Then, we go to the main story, which is about Tuner Downing (Casey Miracle), a down-on-his luck internet reporter who has not only lost his job but is dumped by his girlfriend, Rose. Oh, and he's short, so there's probably anger there. He ends up hanging out all night with his heavyset friend Axel Lawless (Billy Blackwell) and they get to talking about the Truth or Dare game. As it turns out, Axel was the local reporter who covered the Mike Strauber serial killer case in the 80's (the first movie). And the first movie's events are recapped, via flashback clips. They then click on a "Truth or Dare" site, on which you can play live against someone else. He picks a blonde woman, Dara (Jessica Cameron of Lake Placid 4). She dares Tuner to hit Axel and he does. Soon, he becomes obsessed with the site--and Dara--and the dares escalate, from stealing a purse to beating a homeless guy with a baseball bat. Axel does all the videotaping. They even catch Tuner's former boss killing a woman out in the woods--and before the douche-bag can shoot them Tuner shoots him in the neck with a crossbow. Tuner goes downhill from there. There's a montage scene in which we see the material he watches--which Dara sends him--from guys killing their wives to a man boiling off his face, a hanging and a man pulling out his own eyeball while screaming.
With the urging of Dara Tuner eventually breaks into the mental facility where Mike Strauber is kept--and dares the nearly comatose killer to come with him. Of course, this doesn't end well for our diminutive protagonist. Deadly Dares is a great followup to the other three movies. It cleverly takes into account our current internet culture while maintaining the feel of the previous films. In fact, this may be my favorite Truth or Dare movie. Highly recommended.