The cannibal 'exploitation' sub-genre gets a bit confusing when you dig deeper and hit on films by Jess Franco, who made several flicks that fit this mold within the same year. I, personally, feel that Franco's 'sexploit' WIP movies were his strongest foray into the low-budget 'grindhouse' market - while his more horror themed stuff often fell short. "Devil Hunter" is no exception...
A woman is kidnapped and held for ransom deep in the Amazon so they send in a Vietnam vet to swap a million bucks for her. Of course, you've got cannibal tribes who happen to be harboring a vicious "devil" which is just a big naked black man with ping-pong ball eyes held on with silly putty.
Like most of Franco's films, "Devil Hunter" was made on the cheap and simply seems to just point the camera at things randomly until something that vaguely resembles a film shows up. Very weak on the gore and a surprising lack of nudity considering who directed this horse shit. If I'm watching a Franco, I demand sleaze! Half the time the camera lens is covered in Vaseline and the lack of storyline forced the bulk of the film to be heavily padded out with boring jungle filler. Pass this one.