Duel of the Iron Fists (1971)
Movie Review by The Undertaker
When it comes to Shaw Bros. films, one duo remains the top pair of actors in my mind and that's David Chiang and Ti Lung. These two made the best team-up films ever for Shaw and there was always something about a film with these two in it. This has to be one of my favorites hands down, just slightly below The Savage Five. I bet I saw Duel of and Savage Five more times as a kid than even most horror movies. The Shaw films were just that cool. Duel gets my award for the most vicious and numerous knife fights ever. Lung and Chiang must kill about 500 bandits and gangsters in this thing. Plot, yeah, I think there was one, but I always just tuned into the knife fights and forgot the rest. Honestly, the plot is grim, gritty, and a touching story of betrayal and revenge as only a Shaw film can do it. David Chiang plays the Rover here, a mysterious cat that kinda shows up when you least expect it, knife, handkerchief, and cough in tow at all times. Is he out to kill Ti Lung's character or save him? That's the big question here, by the end, we see that nothing is what you think, and some tough choices have to be made. End fight is awesome and bloody, tons of Chinese dudes get sliced and diced. This would beat the hell out of any slasher film in terms on knife play. The sad ass ending gets me every time. Luckily, the dynamic duo made plenty more films to enjoy. Simply, this is a must own movies!
Rating: 10.0 out of 10.0 - 1 vote cast total