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Earthstar Voyager (1989)
Movie Review by The Gravedigger

Earthstar Voyager (1989) In the year 2089, an extremely young group of people are hand picked to crew the new Earthstar Voyager spaceship, which is traveling to a planet called Demeter. Earth's resources are used up, so they are looking for a new home, to populate and this planet seems to be the answer for the continuance of the human race.

However, the thirty-something captain is killed so that the 21 year old second in command (Brian McNamara) has to assume leadership. Another crew member, who has some psychic abilities, is put in a coma by the same saboteur who murdered the captain. Eventually the intrepid crew discovers the culprit is the overly perky health instructor. But why is he doing this? It all becomes clear in the second half, when it is revealed that the admiral responsible for sending them into space also has a plan of his own-- that his crew and the Voyager's will go to Demeter and leave Earth behind to its ruin. However, the young captain doesn't like this idea.

The crew also picks up the survivor of a lost starship, Captain Jake Brown (Duncan Regehr of WIZARDS & WARRIORS), who keeps on referring to the ship's captain as "Captain Kid". There's also a glimmer of a romance between him and the ship's young blonde doctor.

I liked this show. It has a "LOST IN SPACE" vibe to it, I think because that young, redheaded kid looks like Bill Mumy's Will Robinson. This made-for-tv mini-series is also a bit edgier production for Walt Disney Studios.

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