Exorcist 3: Legion, The (1990)
Movie Review by The Undertaker
This film now is officially the real part 2. Screw that Heretic crap movie; this installment is awesome. Subtle, creepy, and a damn good story make this far superior to the previous 'chapter'. George C. Scott does a hell of a job in this and carries the movie if ya ask me. Jason Miller returns as poor old Father Carras, whose dead body has been taken over by the soul of a twisted serial killer known as the Gemini. Seems the devil has a sense of humor and carries big grudge. Fifteen years after beating the devil, our Exorcist has hit on hard times and is being used in a most devilish manner. William Peter Blatty wrote and directed this, guess he was way too pissed over the last film and decided to take care of business. It proved to be the right move as this thing rocks and seems a much more logical sequel. Though not as gross or as scary as the original, Legion provides a good continuance to The Exorcist legend!
Rating: 6.6 out of 10.0 - 17 votes cast total