Final is another one of those wonderful early 80's killer and kids in the woods slasher films. For some reason, I like these types of movies more and more as I get older and Final Terror hasn't aged too badly. Thank Sam Zarkoff for giving us this one, also called Campsite Massacre and Forest Primeval. It does not have a huge body count, which may be why this one doesn't quite approach the classic status of similar movies like The Burning, F13, or Madman. With only five bodies, Final manages to still build a creepy atmosphere thanks to its locale and strange story. Well, maybe it ain't that strange to have young ranger types in the woods being chased by a psycho, but the fact that the nut is one of the group's mamma living in the woods like Grizzled Adams makes for some uniqueness. Gotta love that bush ax blade mounted on the old hags arm, not to mention that shit house of a shed she was living in. Looks like the guy could have hid mom in a little nicer joint, huh? If you want a good woodsy slasher, check it out. Like I said, not much killing or blood, no T&A, but it's a lot of fun. The group really is dwarfed by Mother Nature's presence here. The look and feel kicks ass! This movie surely marks Adrian Zmed's finest hour and a half. You can also check out a young and hot combo of Daryl Hannah and Rachel Ward, though fully clothed damn it! Getting' harder to find in video stores from what I have seen, so hunt it hard like that old woman did them kids here. The movie wasn't The Final Terror we ever saw in the forest, but one more reason why 80's slasher films still rock.