THE FORGOTTEN's premise, while not all that original, is nevertheless unsettling. Julianne Moore portrays a mother who, fourteen-months later, is still grieving over the death of her son, who was killed in a plane crash. She goes to her therapist (Gary Sinise) and tries to interact with her husband (Anthony Edwards) as normally as possible. Then, one day she sees that the family picture of them is missing the son. She goes and looks at her photo albums, which are now all empty, and even plays the home movies, which are also blank. She thinks her husband is being cruel and has an explosive reaction.She comes to realize, though, that she isn't crazy and that her son's memory is systematically being erased from everyone who knew him. She meets up with another parent who lost a child in the crash and makes him remember his daughter. Once he does he willingly helps her and together they try to uncover the mystery. The 'mystery' isn't all that surprising. What they do uncover is that they are part of an experiment done by 'other than human' creatures. This is very TWILIGHT-ZONISH and reminded me of the more recent THE MOTHMAN PROPHECIES (in terms of humans realizing that someTHING is watching them). The DVD is released with the original theatrical version and the extended version with an alternate (original) ending. The alternate ending is MUCH better and gives a totally different interpretation of the 'beings' than the shorter version does, which kind of dumbs it down and makes the experimenters undeniably malevolent.THE FORGOTTEN isn't a bad movie, it's simply unexceptional...and I'm sure I'll forget about it in a month or so.