Just as Lugosi became Dracula for all eternity, Boris Karloff was destined to do the same as Frankenstein's Monster! Under heavy make-up, Karloff gave the monster a brooding life that is still probably the most recognized monster of all. Amazing how a character with no lines had such an impact huh? This might be Universal's best monster movie when all is said and done. Not my personal fave, but still probably the best movie in terms of craftsmanship. This one has it all! The lab scenes alone are grade A creepy. The whole cast does a great job and the FX are incredible for the time. Remember when people used their hands for something besides making damn digital paste on a blue screen FX? Of course it all comes down to the creature, and Karloff lumbers and glares his way into the Horrorwood hall of fame. Wouldn't it be great to see all these old movies released instead of half-baked remakes that come out every few years?