From the Earth to the Moon (1958)
Movie Review by The Gravedigger
In this adaptation of the Jules Verne novel, Joseph Cotton is Victor Barbacine, a wealthy eccentric who has managed to 'tap into the power of the Universe' and come up with Power X, a substance more destructive than any bomb. After he does a demonstration of its power all of the world's governments freak out and say that if he goes forward in testing it that this will be perceived as an act of war by the US. President Grant manages to talk Barbacine out of targetting an explosion on the moon, but only gives him another idea. With the help of Nicholl (George Sanders), his arch enemy, Barbacine and company go to work on a missile that they'll try to fly to the moon via the Power X. They manage to leave Earth's orbit with a stowaway, the girlfriend of one of the crew, and encounter a serious problem before they make it to the moon. The movie definitely has an antiquated feel to it and the technology (and lack of it) shown is amusing.
Rating: 8.0 out of 10.0 - 4 votes cast total