A family (Father, Mother, twin brother and sister), working for the CIA on a project called Veritas, which investigates alleged paranormal occurrences, go to a high school to find the truth about a revengeful ghost. Years before a picked upon loner hung himself in the school. Now, a group of Goth kids believe that his spirit is helping them get their revenge on the 'popular' kids who torment them on a daily basis.The twin brother and sister pose as students, the mother as a school counselor and the father as a janitor. Everything is a mystery until the last twenty-minutes or so, when it's revealed what's actually going on. I won't say if it involves a ghost or not but I will say that it does involve spiders-lots and lots of spiders. HANGMAN'S CURSE is an entertaining enough movie, even though it feels like something that would premiere on the Family Channel.