Three guys, Paxton, Josh and Oli, backpacking and looking to have as much sex as possible, go to a Slovakian city with the hopes of meeting some beautiful girls. They meet a guy who tells them about this hostel, where there are lots of hot, ready and willing chicks, and they follow his advice and go there. But it's a trap, the front for an elaborate conspiracy that caters to torture. Rich people pay to have someone kidnapped and then to torture them, as the main character (Jay Hernandez of QUARANTINE) finds out for himself.
I must say this movie is much better than I thought it would be, as I absolutely hated Eli Roth's previous movie, CABIN FEVER. The first half of the movie makes you attached to these characters and in the second half all are killed off except for one, who narrowly escapes, so you are definitely rooting for him. Even when he, by coincidence, comes across the guy who killed his best friend and takes out a bit of revenge on him.