It Came from Beneath the Sea (1955)
Movie Review by The Gravedigger
A submarine commanded by Pete Mathews (Kenneth Tobey of THE THING, STRANGE INVADERS) is attacked my a mysterious creature from the depths and he assists two scientist in discovering exactly what it is. One of these Doctors is a woman, Dr. Lesley Joyce, and you immediately know by their cheesy banter that she's the love interest.
What they find out is that it's a giant six tentacled octopus that's coming up for food. It's also radioactive.
The dialogue is amusing and I love that sequence where the octopus climbs up the Golden Gate Bridge and starts tearing it apart for no apparent reason. Unfortunately the Ray Harryhausen effects sequences are few and far between and the monster is dispatched way too quickly.
Of all the stop-motion monster movies this is one of the more disappointing ones.
Rating: 4.5 out of 10.0 - 2 votes cast total