Jack (Nicholas Hoult of WARM BODIES, X-MEN: FIRST CLASS) is a farm boy with larger aspirations. One day, when he's in the city, he gets caught in the middle of an incident in which a thief robs the royal palace--and he's given a small bag of seeds bythe perpetrator before he's shot, who tells him not to get them wet. Jack defends the honor of the princess, who had disguised herself to blend in with her people. Later that night he's visited by the same princess--and accidently drops one of the beans in the floorboards. As soon as it rains it rapidly grows into a giant vine, carrying the farmhouse--and the princess within--up into the clouds. The next day the King's men show up, he explains what happened--and an expedition is set forth to climb the beanstalk. It leads them to a world inhabited by giants, giants who want to conquer the world of humans below. Ultimately, it falls to jack to prevent this.
Although this fantasy film is a bit formulaic I did not mind. It's extremely well done and entertaining. Recommended.