Movie Review by The Undertaker
Well, I hope the 3D stuff worked well in the theaters, as that would have been the only gimmick helping 3. I saw it on video, so I didn't have the 3D shit to save it for me. I just didn't like the FX in this thing. The story wasn't bad, the attacks were okay, but something was just not cool here in the 3D sequel in my view. Them Brody folks can attract more big great white sharks than a dump truck load of dead seals thrown in off the Australian coast. Somebody should have been watching that damn lagoon gate when big mama swam in. Shit hits the water after that. Fun at times, 3D does have its moments and you can have a few laughs watching. Lou Gossett, Jr. looks like he don't want any parts of this shark or this film at times. Maybe it's me, but I felt like the magic of the 1st two movies was way gone by this point.
Rating: 4.0 out of 10.0 - 5 votes cast total