Legend of the Wolf Woman (1977)
Movie Review by The Undertaker
Now this is one cool ass movie. You get a wolf woman werewolf lady complete with hairy tits and all ripping the shit out of those that cross her or come on too strong. Yeehaw! This movie is awesome. Tons of nudity, violence, some gore, and a fairly cool storyline. The uncut tape supposedly has even more great stuff, but I have seen it so I can't vouch on that one. This one here is worth owning or renting man times. It's a spanish film so the dubbing is funny and the atmosphere campy, but it really is a treat. The fangs & hairy boobs had me rolling. The wolf woman does scratch up some guys though in fairly good detail. When you mix sex, violence, & werewolves this might be one of the best results.
Rating: 3.5 out of 10.0 - 2 votes cast total