Malibu Shark Attack (2009)
Movie Review by The Gravedigger
A shark eats another fishand is then eaten by a much bigger shark that looks like it has a horn growing out of its head. Then we're introduced to a bunch of life guards on the beach in California. Two of them were a couple and she's breaking up with him because they've been together three years and he still doesn't want to get married. Heather (Peta Wilson of LA FEMME NIKITA tv series) explains that she wants to get married, have kids and a family, even though she's in her forties. What, she wants to raise a gang of down syndrome or autistic children if she can even get pregnant? There's the potential for an entirely different horror movie there! Anyways, while people are being attacked by these weird sharks, which turn out to be the size of tiger sharks, there's an offshore earthquake. A hundred foot tsunami floods the area and they are trapped in a building while the sharks try to eat them. These turn out to be Goblin Sharks, thought to be extinct.
Again, it's basically the "NIGHT OF THE LIVING DEAD" scenario with people trapped in a building with something outside trying to eat them. This is definitely not one of the most memorable killer shark movies...
Rating: 4.2 out of 10.0 - 5 votes cast total