Mardis Gras for the Devil (1991)
Movie Review by The Gravedigger
This movie starts with Michael Ironside performing a ritual and selling his soul to the devil. Robert Davi, a detective, and his partner witness a prositute being thrown out of an apartment window on the first day of Mardis Gras. They quickly investigate and come across Ironside. Davi's partner is quickly killed and Ironside is shot several times and falls out another window. Yet, when all the other police show up at the crime scene there's no sign of a body or even a trace of blood.Of course, Davi's captain (John Amos of BEASTMASTER) doesn't believe him and attributes this whole thing to him falling off the wagon, which he has. Why are all detectives in movies alcoholics? And why do they all have the exact same love lives (estranged from their wives, et cetera)? Anyway, when this captain sees the sketch artist's rendition of the killer he immediately changes his tune-because he encountered the same man 20 years before on Mardis Gras. This man killed his partner (Davi's father) and several women. It turns out that Ironside, a minion of Satan, returns from the dead every twenty-years to kill people during the three day Mardis Gras festival.There are several people flying through glass windows from great heights, cars flipping over (how does this happen when they don't run into anything?) and all the stereotypical plot elements you figured there'd be in this generic horror/action movie. My biggest problem is that I think the casting of Ironside and Davi should have been reversed-Davi looks way more evil.
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