From the creator of TRUE BLOOD comes a new series involving psychics, vampires, witches and were-creatures. Manfred Bernardo (Francois Arnaud) is a psychic able to communicate with spirits. He's on the run from someone he owes money to, so he takes off in his old trailer. His only companion is the ghost of his gypsy grandmother, who advises him and tells him to go to the town of Midnight Texas. There, he finds the place nearly deserted—and inhabited by a group of supernatural beings. There's Fiji, the good witch, Joe, a fallen Angel, Lemuel, a vampire who feeds on energy, not blood, and the Reverend, who transforms into a ferocious tiger when the moon is full. Oh, and there's a few interesting humans, from Bobo, who has a secret to Olivia the assassin and Creek, the friendly waitress.
At first the town's biggest threat seems to be the outside world and visitors that show up, such as the sheriff department from the nearby town and later a group of vampires. Then, they discover that the town is a gateway for a demon who is trying to break out. By the end of the 10th (and last) episode of the season the townsfolk have to somehow defeat this evil creature.
Although I've never read the books it's probably more faithful to them than TrueBlood was tao the source material. However, I never became as attached to any of these characters as I did in that show. However, other than AMERICAN HORROR story it's slim pickings for horror television lately and it is entertaining, if a bit familiar. Recommended.