Movie Review by The Gravedigger
Dario Argento's long awaited third MOTHER movie delivers the goods and is undeniably one of the creepiest movies of 2008. Sarah Mandy (Asia Argento), the daughter of a white witch, is living in Rome when a powerful witch, The Mother of Tears, tries to bring about the second age of witches.
Sarah is there from the beginning, when an ancient urn and its contents are sent to the Museum of Ancient Art in Rome, where she works. Her co-worker opens it and accidently cuts her hand, bleeding on a magical red tunic. This resurrects some nasty demons, which are depicted in small stone carvings contained in the same urn, and they rip her apart. It also brings forth the third Mother, the most powerful witch of all. Sarah witnesses all this and flees. Not only are the police after her for questioning, so are the many witches who start converging on Rome. In fact, one pursues her on a train and she has to kill the woman to stop her. Sarah soon finds out she has some magical powers of her own, with the guidance of the ghost of her mother, and ends up having to stop Rome from falling.
There are some extremely gory scenes and unsettling moments, though I thought the ending happened a bit too fast. Still, it's definitely worth checking out after you, of course, watch SUSPIRIA and INFERNO first.
Rating: 7.2 out of 10.0 - 9 votes cast total