This movie was much better than I ever would have expected! The title sounds cheesy as hell, but I watched it anyway & was surprised.!st off, it stars Mamie Van Doren & she has some huge tits! I mean they look like 2 missles ready to be fired whenever she turns profile to the camera. Wonder bra? I wonder how any bra could hold 'em myself. Anyway, some scientists were good enough to crash on Cow Island with a bunch of shit they were bringing back from the antarctic. Trouble is only one dude was left on the plane & he was nutso from something. People start to die. Some pretty interesting looking victims also, if you like melted looking corpses. I guess acid dripping plants will do that to ya, huh? One sailor boy gets his arm ripped off & it's not pretty. Neither are the plant monsters. This movie reminded me of those creature classics of the golden age more than a 60's flick. Not bad at all.