In the opening scene a white man is being tortured by a tribe of African Natives, until another man (Vincent Price) walks in on them. We then cut to Price's estate in England, where he keeps his brother locked up in one of the rooms. It was this brother who was being tortured.It turns out that the reason for this is that the man was accused of running down a child with his horse-and had to pay for the crime. As a result of the torture, which involved exposure to a flesh-eating disease, his face is horribly deformed.The brother is smart, though, and manages to escape with the help of one of the servants. He takes a drug that mimics death and is taken out in his coffin to be buried. But before the servant can dig him up and revive him some gravediggers come along, steal his body and take him to a doctor (Christopher Lee) who needs the cadavers. The man wakes up, nearly kills Lee, and convinces him to let him stay there until he's able to settle his accounts and get his revenge.In the end it turns out that Vincent Price was the one responsible for killing the African child-and the natives took his brother by mistake. In the last scene in the movie Price's new wife comes into the room where he had imprisoned his brother and says to him that this is his brother's room. Price turns away from the window he is facing to reveal part of his face is deformed with the disease. He replies, 'No, this is my room.'Although tenuously based on the Edgar Allen Poe story this is a decent American International Production-and it's always great to see two horror icons, Vincent Price and Christopher Lee, together in the same movie.