Movie Review by The Gravedigger
This movie is exactly what you think it would be. A New York City magazine is consolidating its work force, laying people off, reducing their hours and income. And one of these employees happens to be a mousy, unstable woman (Carol Kane), who accidently kills one of her coworkers late one night. This sets her over the edge-and through flashbacks we see he isn't the first murder. Her sleazy father (played by Eric Bogosian), who abused her, was killed in a car accident she purposely caused. No longer afraid of the people in her work life she starts taking their lives when they pose a threat to her job and security. She keeps their decomposing bodies down in her basement-and in her eyes they are alive, interacting with her, becoming the friends she doesn't have in her real life. Although there are some gruesome killings and the makeup effects are quite good, it seems out of place with the cast of actors (Molly Ringwald, Jean Tripplehorn) and the scenes and situations are so reminiscent of 80's slasher films that it makes you long to see these originals.
Rating: 10.0 out of 10.0 - 1 vote cast total