Movie Review by The Gravedigger
In the two-hour premiere movie, which originally aired as a CBS Sunday Night Movie, a group of bank-robbing outlaws from 1898 are transported to 1986 when they are all struck by some strange lightning in an Indian burial ground. However, the sheriff who is after them, is also transported to 1981. This is John Grail (Rod Taylor) and he used to be the gang's leader. Other members of the group are Harland Pike (William Lucking), his younger brother Billy Pike, Wolf Lucas (Charles Napier) and Isaiah McAdams (Richard Rountree). Grail and the others settle their differences when they fight a common foe. They manage to more or less adapt to the modern world and set up a "Detecting Agency" on a ranch they purchased with the money from that bank robbery.
They also befriend their neighbor, Lt. Maggie Randall, and help her with some of her police cases. There's good chemistry between Maggie and Grail. In one of the more interesting episodes the gang travels to New Orleans, where Isaiah confronts the ancestor of the man who had owned him as a slave. In one of the last episodes of this short-lived series, entitled MADRID, Grail is forced to confront an unpleasant event from his past in which he killed that town's sheriff. Now, he meets the man's surviving son (Lew Ayres), who is well into his 90's. By saving the town from destruction by land developers he's able to make some small amends.
I always thought this was one of the better pseudo Sci-Fi shows from the 80's.
Rating: 9.0 out of 10.0 - 1 vote cast total