First, the only connection between this movie and Pinocchio is that the wooden puppet that comes to life was fashioned after the puppet in the tale. This story concerns one Vincent Gotto, on death row for presumably murdering his son five years before and the lawyer (Rosalind Allen) who futiley tries appeal his verdict. After Gotto's execution the puppet falls into the hands of the lawyer's daughter and starts to influence her, though to any outsider it looks as if the child is talking to herself. There's lots of problems with this movie--you don't believe for an instant the actress is a lawyer, the story far too predictable, even to an eight year old--and the puppet resembles plastic rather than wood. He's not a scary villain. Most surprising of all, this movie was directed by Kevin S. Tenney (WITCHBOARD, NIGHT OF THE DEMONS). I wonder who is pulling his strings...