This is a faithful remake of the original 1968 film that starred Anthony Perkins and Tuesday Weld. The main character, Dennis Pitt, portrayed here by Grant Show (Point Pleasant, Melrose Place) is a bit more of a pussy. They begin by showing him released from a mental institution and I think they meant to make him more sympathetic, but having Perkins in the original role made you think he was more unpredictable. Right after Dennis is released he gets a job at a chemical plant and approaches a high school cheerleader, Sue Ann Stepanek. He has an active fantasy life and tells her that he's really a secret agent on a mission. She seems to believe him. But as events happen, which results in a few deaths, we realize that she's smarter than she looks and was using him the whole time, to her own purposes. Given a choice between the two, you should just watch the original.