Yeah, I know, I know, Prom Night? Stop bitchin' cause I like this movie! If you have not scene it in a while, go get the new remaster (with the shittyy new box art) that Anchor Bay recently put out. This is one of those movies from my youngertaker days gone by that I saw in a REAL theatre, not one of those shitty cineamalls that rot around the country nowadays. I mean one huge screen, a balcony, & screamin' chicks, what more could a kid want? Actually,Prom Nght was the movie I saw in place of Fulci's GODLY Zombie. I was to go see Zombie one week, but the movie was rated no one at all under 17 (they wouldn't even let me in with my mom), so to make up for it she took me to see Prom Night the next week. Worked for me! Though I am still harboring anger for night seeing Zombie on the big screen damn it! Any way, Prom Night has a cool revenge plot with the masked killer actually doing it for all the right reasons. Not the usual maniac or monster, just payback. Needed more gore & nudity, but the disco music is cool (where can I get that sound track?) A piece of shattered mirror makes for a good slice tool as well. I kinda think that Jamie Lee had those boobs pumped up before this movie personally, cause they look might round & bouncy during her dance scenes! Amen! Damn now I sound like Randy from Scream, but at least i'm still alive! :) Oh yeah, Prom Night had phone call scary's way before Scream too (just as many others did, so maybe that film wasn't the be all end all of horror). One last good point, the nerdy fat kid in Prom Night gets some! Way to go, gives all fan boyz hope. I liked the old janitor myself, who gets the wonderful moon shot from that blonde cutey! Too bad noone believed him when he told 'em what was up?