This is an interesting post-apocalyptic tale, set about fifty years from now after there's been a plague of organ failures during which millions died. A company named GeneCo
has created a niche market by supplying organs at reasonable prices. But if you can't pay, they'll send out someone to repossess your kidney. Oh, and it's a musical. The characters sing all of their lines, like THE UMBRELLAS OF CHERBURG.
The leads are amazing. Anthony Stewart Head is Nathan, a doctor who is single-handedly raising his 17 year old daughter, Shilo (Alexa Vega). She has a blood disease, inherited from her mother. Paul Sorvino gives a suitably slimy performance as Rotti Largo, the head of GeneCo, the man responsible for Nathan becoming an organ Repo Man. The movie also features one of the best performances of Paris Hilton's life. Plus, there's a Joan Jett cameo that happens during a dream sequence!.
REPO! works on several levels--as a musical, a horror movie and a social satire--and is extremely entertaining. I believe it is THE ROCKY HORROR PICTURE SHOW of the 21st Century.