"Salvation by Blood" is a decent short that follows a very basic perception of the doctrine that most preceive to resemble satanism. Clearly, the film was well shot and featured some solid film making techniques with some surprisingly convincing make-up effects...
The movie starts with an unseen prisoner being interrogated by a by-the-books looking cop before we drift into the convicted man's backstory. After meeting a nice girl and kicking off a wholesome relationship, the man finds himself enveloped in her family of satan worshipers, thus transforming him into a 'knight in Satan's service'. This evidently leads the satanic couple to proclaim their devotion to the Dark Lord by sacrificing two Christians in his name. A home invasion ensues, along with rape and murder...
For a 37 minute flick, I found "Salvation by Blood" to be decent in the form of isolating key aspects that I found passable. The editing and camera work looked good and, as I said, the effects were cool. That said, I didn't find anything all that spectacular about the film. It certainly wasn't "My Sweet Satan", in any regard. I didn't quite understand the comic book panel scene transitions and the overall motivation involving satanic belief was shallow and unconvincing. You can do worse than "Salvation by Blood", but I wasn't all that blown away...