Sangre Eterna (Eternal Blood (2003)
Movie Review by The Undertaker
A vampire flick from Chile, now that's a first for me, Eternal Blood follows the exploits of a girl who falls in with a group who role-play some sorta vampire game. One of the guys in the group sees what he thinks is a real vampire attack/murder at a party and his group later meets up with the same vampires at another party later. He soon realizes vampires are real and that they are out to turn his friends into bloodsuckers also. The game they were playing no longer seems as appealing once real life and death situations pop up. This movie has its moments, offers some gore and a little nudity, and moves along nicely. Nothing extraordinary here, but a decent movie that's a just different enough to make it worth a peek, enjoy!
Rating: nan out of 10.0 - 0 votes cast total