I'm not really sure exactly how to sum up my sentiments on this one. While "Scalene" is an exceptionally well acted drama/thriller (I use "thriller" lightly in this case), it's also a rip off of "Irreversible" with one of the most laughably over-the-top 'twists' I have seen in quite some time.
A mother whose son was rendered brain dead by huffing chemicals seeks revenge against a hired aide who was apparently raped by the mentally disabled young man.
"Scalene" is formatted in an end-to-beginning narrative which shows the entire series of events from the perspectives of all three characters - mother, son, and babysitter/"victim". First off, Margo Martindale as the distraught mother offers up a strong performance that is really the highlight of the film. Something about overweight old ladies on a rampage makes me grin. When it finally gets to big "reveal" which boils down to one of the most ridiculously elaborate rape frame-ups ever conceived. It was SO completely implausible and excessive that it's truly IMPOSSIBLE to take seriously! I think "Scalene" would've worked better had the ending not taken such a drastically 'forced' turn.
You can pick it up at http://breakingglasspictures.com if you're curious or just enjoy face-palm inducing situations depicted on film.