This movie kicks ass in a major way! I'm not sure what the U.S. video version is like yet (I watched a Japanese subtitled version), but this thing was very surprising! These scarecrows rip some ass on a group of wannabe military's that have stolen some money & hi-jacked a cargo plane. Never really explained how or why the scarecrows do what they do (some vague shit was mentioned, but nothing real concrete), but man this movie works on every level. The FX are great and the gore is abundant! The 'crows look like zombified scarecrows and really do some nasty numbers on the group. On top of that, those that are killed are scarecrowzied themselves in graphic detail with stitching and gutting! Wish I had seen this movie earlier. Best scarecrow movie I've seen by a ways. Better than Night of.. & Dark night of...(though that movie is still fun to watch cause Bubba didn't do it..Hehe). If you wanna be surprised (in a good way) by a movie that puts its best foot forward, then you should get this one. Go straight as the crow flies and check it out!