Sexy Adventures of Van Helsing, The (2004)
Movie Review by The Gravedigger
Wilhelmina, the great-great grand neice of Abraham Van Helsing (Erika Smith) now has the job of killing the daughter of Dracula. This all starts when the zombie-looking ghost of her uncle visits her and tells her of her lineage. It also happens that lesbianism is also a part of that inheritance-and she definitely has those tendencies. As the movie progresses the nerdy Wilhelmina becomes more sexy as her true 'L' tendencies become realized.The movie is extremely tongue-in-cheek and the makeup effects and sets are cheesy. And, for no other reason than to have them, there are multiple lesbian sex scenes scattered throughout the movie. I'm not a huge fan of either the E.I. soft-core porn stuff nor the cheese but I did find that actress Erika Smith is definitely someone to be on the lookout for in the indie horror scene. Her performance was good in Brett Piper's recent BITE ME! and she was the only thing that made VAN HELSING watchable.This DVD also features a 'bonus' movie called VAMPIRE'S SECUTION (1998) which stars Tina Krotch, excuse me, Krause.From www.seductioncinema.com
Rating: 8.5 out of 10.0 - 8 votes cast total